During the Gulf War, following the pludding of it's Central Bank, Kuwaiti Currency bank notes were withdrawn from circulation. Certain yemenites, having worked in Kuwait, still own demonitized Kuwaiti Dinar notes that Kuwait refuses to exchange against valid ones. Which is totaly unjust.This is why I want to make known to all, the unfairness of the situation these yemenites are in. One should not forget that they earned that money by the sweat of their brow.

I hope that your response to this unfair situation will help them to regain their rights.

Durant la guerre du golf, suite au pillage de sa banque centrale, le Koweit a retiré de la circulation des billets bancaires. Certains yéménites, ayant travaillés au Koweit, ont toujours en leur possession des billets qui ne sont  plus valables et que le Koweit refuse de changer. Ce qui constitue une injustice. Aussi, à cet instant, je souhaite faire partager au monde cette injustice dont sont victimes ces yéménites qui ont gagné cet argent à la sueur de leur front.

Je souhaite que vos réactions permettent de les aider à retrouver leurs droits.