In the thoutonnement of hills - near Mulhouse - which overturn towards the rhénane plain and expose themselves to the sun, we find ourselves in the Sundgau, also named Sungau (country of the sun).

       At the entrance of this exceptional region filled with villages, bearing thus testimony to a very ancient human settlement, is Rixheim, one of the << doors of Sundgau >> (in the south-east of Mulhouse, Basel/Switzerland direction).

       This nice town possesses a unique advantage : << the awarness of life >> demonstrated by its history, guaranteed and schaped by monuments and artistic treasures :

                          - the ancient Commanderie of the Teutonique order ( 1735 - 1745 )

                          - the St-Léger church ( 1505 - 1782 )

                                                                         - very beautiful farms of the 16th century.

        And when one approaches the history, there's only one step towards the traditions; as Rixheim was above all a rural community, which has been able to protect habits and customs of the region.

        The sundgauvian costumes, the dances, the music, the songs, the poetry are an integral part of the Sundgauvia's activities. We think that it is illogical - in the historic point of view - to try to maintain in the region an << Alsatian >> costume which isn't ours...

        And that's one reason why ours association of arts and popular traditions Sundgauvia - Rixheim was created more than 40 years ago. Its purpose: in a spirit of true friendship, essential base of any associative life, to do scientific research and then, realize an << imitation >> as close as possible, if not equal to the authentic.

        It's the essential element of our compères, leaders and young active members: finding time to make sufficient researches thinking about them am shaping them.

        With the willingness of our young friends of the Sundgauvia we blow on the ashes of the past in order to give it a soul, thus reviving it. Therefore, we participate actively in the cultural activitie of our town: Rixheim.

        Rixheim, this big village. << One loks at it from the outside >>. Join us to enter into << these houses which lock you in for ever >> in their traditional holidays, of heathen or religious origin, which go from the << egg race to the harverst holidays >>.

        Theses portions of the Alsatian rural life are presented to you in a typical show because our costumes, our music, our dances are only the visible realization of how we feel << inside >>.




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