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Naka_2_skin V1.5 - Presentation

Skin pour JAlbum.
To use this skin you need at least version 6.0 of JAlbum. (Current version is 6.5 )
This new version is atapted for JAlbum alpha 7


06/01/2007 - Settings now in 4 tabs (3 in previous version)
06/01/2007 - Added support for all IPTC tags

17/06/2006 - Added Checkbox for verical text for photos in portrait mode
17/06/2006 - Changed font selector for watermark.

01/04/2006 - Added Checkbox for adding or not number of pictures in a folder
01/04/2006 - Added cloudy style

13/03/2006 - Added Checkbox (in "Slide page") for adding or not Comments from "Edit" Tab under each slide.

05/03/2006 - Added Checkbox for adding or not a frame to slides.

28/02/2006 - Added Photobox on-line printing service. (removed in version 1.5)

25/02/2006 - Added Unsharp filter for thumbs and slides.

19/02/2006 - Only changes in the page your are currently reading.(New Tab screenshot)....

17/02/2006 - Some changes & adds in UI.(V1.2)
10/02/2006 - New UI with 3 Tabs.

09/02/2006 - Added in UI a link for Help if you need some...

07/02/2006 - Added the possibility to show or not navigation buttons in slide page.

07/02/2006 - Generated pages are now all Valid HTML 4.01 Transitional.
30/01/2006 - Cleaned as far as I could the html code, so it's now V 1.0 final.

30/01/2006 - Minors bugs correction in style css.
30/01/2006 - Added a "4 ways" navigation on slides if link to "Originals via scaled dow images" is chosen in main tab.
24/01/2006 - Added the possibility to show or not the "comments" under thumbs for folders from "Edit" tab.

24/01/2006 - Added the possibility to show or not the "dia style" borders for thumbs.
22/01/2006 - Added the possibility to show or hide IPTC keywords.

22/01/2006 - Added the possibility to use the "copyright" from IPTC in slide page.
21/01/2006 - Added a "check box" for displaying or not the exifs in slide page.

10/01/2006 - Change in exif layout.

Download link at bottom of this page.


  • "naka_2_skin window Colors & font"

  • It's here that you can make adjustment for your album.

    • In the copyright line you can put the text that will show up at bottom of index and slides pages.
      If you have a copyright notice in your IPTC, it will be used in place of this one in slides pages

    • In Tab "Album colors (for custom style)"
      You chose all the main colors for your album.
      These colors are for index and slide pages.
      Color choices are disabled (except for title) in "ready to use" styles.

      - In frame "Album Title settings" You can chose all the parameters for the title of Your main album.
      For titles for Your sub-folders (If You have put your pictures in sub-categories) You need to use the "Edit" tab from JAlbum. If you also prefer the "Edit" tab for Your Main album title, just let this text box blank. Text size for title is in "pixels" (not dots).


  • Tab "Index page & thumbnails"

    Here you chose the text and text size to be put under the thumbnails in index page.
    Check box "crop to fixed shape" Allow's to crop all thumbs to same size (Portrait or landscape) as set in main tab.

    Check box "Make grayscale" Allow's to create grayscale thumbs.

    Check box "Unsharp Mask for thumbs" Allow's you to sharpen thumbs. You can chose strenght and radius for this effect.

    Check box "Zoom" Allow's to "zoom" in original picture to get better view in thumbs
    (Zoomed thumbs are made from center of original image).

    Check box "Sign on thumbs for folder" Allow's to add a little "folder" on thumbs used in place of folder icon.

    Check box "Add "Dia style" border" Allow's to add or not, the "dias" style border to Thumbs. If you don't chech this box you vill have again the borders from my previous skin. See example with "nakaDarkblue" style below.

    Check box "Show description under folder" Allow's to add or not, the "comment" you have put for folder in "Edit" tab.

    Check box "Show number of images in folder" Allow's to add or not, the number of images in a folder under the thumb in index page.

    Box "Chose Cellspacing for thumbs" Allow's to adjust the spacing for thumbs in index page. Can be usefull if you use big thumbs (bigger than 130x130) or if you have less than 3 cols. Start with "15" and adjust if necessary.

    Box "Add PHOTOBOX PrintButton" Add checkboxes next to each thumbnail image on the index page so that users can buy photos with the Photobox on-line printing service. You need to sign a vendor agreement with PhotoBox to use this service and type in your ID.
    (sample page here in folder "big images" )


  • Tab "Slide page"

    -In frame "text to display under images" You chose the text to be put under the slides.

    - In frame "Watermark settings" You can add a text as an overlay to your images. (only work if you resize your images in JAlbum. ( link to "scaled down images in main tab))

    Box "Show exifs" Allow's you to show or not the exifs with slides.

    Box "Add navigation buttons" Allow's you to show or not Navigation buttons in slide page.

    Box "Add frame for slides" Allow's you to add or not a frame for slides.


  • Naka_2_skin - Preview - Index page - with "Dias style" border
    Sample index page with NakaBlack.css style

    Naka_2_skin - Preview - Index page - without "Dias style" border.
    Sample index page with NakaDarkBlue.css style

    Naka_2_skin - Preview - Index page - with "Dias style" border
    Sample slide page with cloudy.css style

    Naka_2_skin - Preview - Slide page
    Sample slide page with NakaGrey.css style

    Naka_2_skin - Preview - Exifs view
    Exifs overlay sample with NakaGrey.css style

      Download Naka_2_skin V1.5 from 06/01/2007  

    Copyright © nakaminow 2007  JAlbum 6.5
    last update 06/01/2007
    Valid HTML 4.01 Transitional