02 Feb 2022 - 16:18:00
3 Posts
You have gone on a few dates and you are into her….so what are you going to do about it next? Here are a few pointers for a man to get in good with any lady:

Call her-what's with the 3, 4 or 5 day rule? If you like her call her or text her sooner than later. Even a quick text just to say “I had a great time last night” will go a long way. We don't need to play the phone game fellas-if you like a girl, call her (calling is always better than texting). It's simple. If she likes you back she will answer, return your message or text you back. Personally I kind of feel like too much texting is a cop out and it shows that maybe you are not confident enough to carry on a conversation.

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Pay attention to what she has to say-I have mentioned this before. This is HUGE. If a woman knows that you remember and care about what is going on in her life, it automatically increases your attractiveness. So when talking to her remember to ask her questions referring to things she told you on your last date (or conversation) with her. Even just asking “How was your week? Tell me about it” can go a long way. cligne

Know her eye color and compliment her on it– Make an effort to check out her eyes, note the color, store it in your memory bank and compliment her on it later. Girls love to know that you notice the little unique details about them like that. You can pretty much compliment her on anything-her hair, voice, perfume, laugh-just be genuine and don't over-do the compliments. One to three compliments in a night are enough. Otherwise you might seem like a stalker.

Bring her a flower-just one will do, or a small bunch-keep it simple. Just make sure you didn't pluck it from her garden (or anyone else's for that matter). Oh and don't do the red rose thing…be more creative than that. Gerber Daisies are always a safe bet. Women truly appreciate old-fashioned gestures. Bonus points if you throw your coat across a puddle for her.

Pick up the tab-I understand equality and women's lib….but underneath it all the majority of women want to be shown that you can take care of them and that they are worth picking up the tab for. Not in a gold-digging way, just in a natural “he likes me and wants to be a gentleman” kind of way.

Do something unexpected- Do something to surprise her or take her off guard, but make it fun and playful! If you are picking her up have a little something (like her favorite candy bar, silly putty, a slinky, etc…) sitting on the passenger seat for her. Secretly tell the waiter it's her birthday (don't do this if she is shy!). If your date is going well plan a “spontaneous” excursion to a cool spot you know (a playground, pet shop to play with puppies, a walk on the pier, etc). One time I had a boyfriend plan a gondola ride for me-but he went above and beyond. He went to the Gondola Company before hand and had brought a cooler with my favorite snacks and wine, along with an Ipod and mini speakers. So when I arrived it was all set up and tailored around me! It was definitely on of the most memorable dates ever! Unexpected and thoughtful gestures will always earn you huge bonus points!

Every woman appreciates knowing that you appreciate her and see her individuality. All it takes is a little effort on your part. If you make a girl feel special, she will know that you appreciate her and this will greatly increase the chance for romance. love

04 Feb 2022 - 11:21:04
48 Posts
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