12 Jul 2019 - 09:00:24
1 Posts
States in the US made schooling compulsory for child welfare protection since 1918. Studies now suggest these policies have protected the health of the Americans all along. Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading silent killers in the US, but is education a barrier or a herald?

A team of postdocs from the University of California and Stanford University collected national data of over 75,000 individuals born between 1900-1950 and analyzed their education and health records. The results: the longer these individuals stayed in the school, the lower heart health risks they developed in later life.

Childhood education is a period that represents the golden opportunity for the promotion of healthy health habits. Apart from the research mentioned above, the role of education is emphasized highly, so to prevent CVDs at later life stages. So, apart from promoting heart-protecting practices among children, why is it necessary to educate them?

Let’s start with heart diseases and their associated risks. The only way to prevent CVDs is to control the risk factors that play a critical role in the development and growth of the disease. Teaching kids about the risks and their disastrous effects can motivate them to study more and pursue higher education.

While the importance of childhood education is emphasized, a better way to hardwired preventive strategies is to educate the students of each academic level. It will have a few significant impacts that include shifting to a healthy lifestyle, securing high-paying jobs, accessing better healthcare, teaching others about the risks and fatalities of CVDs, and even joining an essay writing service in the UK and the US to promote awareness among their peers and the coming generations.

With help from recent findings and current practices, experts and educators can collaborate to solidify a learning approach that educates children and reverses the impact of CVDs.

Richard M
27 Jan 2020 - 01:49:04
13 Posts
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