01 Jul 2022 - 09:37:31
470 Posts

Taiwan refrains fromSLOTXOattending World Health Summit again due to heavy pressure from the Chinese authorities

Taiwan refrains from attending the World Health Summit again - May 23, Reuters reported. Attempts by Taiwanese authorities to send representatives to the World Health Assembly (WHA) have failed again this year. after facing intense pressure from the Chinese authorities

Dr Ahmed Robleigh Abdullah, Djibouti's Minister of Public Health as chairman of the World Health Assembly, said requests from 13 member states asking Taiwan to send representatives to WHA observers are not included in the consideration.

The report states that Taiwan has been excluded from membership of most multinational organizations in the world due to the Chinese authorities' opposition stance. Since China views Taiwan as a part of China, it cannot be viewed as any country or state.

Taiwan's authorities have also commented to the World Health Organization (WHO), saying that being excluded from being a member of the WHO, Taiwan's efficiency in handling the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak has declined. Because Taiwan is the first place found an outbreak

Although Taiwan has been allowed to send representatives to observe some WHO technical meetings, Dr Abdullah recently Clarified that the above decision was the resolution of the Executive Committee which had already considered the matter within the closed meeting.

Chinese Ambassador to the United Nations Zhen Su said the political and regulatory foundations of Taiwan's international law were no longer present for attending the WHA meeting.

“Any attempt to manipulate politics Taiwan's government will continue to face resistance from all sides," Su said. However, the United States and British authorities are among the WHO members who have expressed support for Taiwan's permission to observe.

U.S. Representative Lois Pace, who attended the WHA meeting, said Taiwan was highly contributing to the well-being of the international community and the United States was deeply saddened that Taiwan was excluded from being an observer. meeting

Likewise, British Health Minister Sajid Javid said there was no excuse. That is reasonable to exclude Taiwan from being an observer of the meeting.

The WHA meeting will be held in Geneva. Switzerland Thousands of representatives from member states joined, including more than 100 Chinese delegations, with the main agenda being the issue of WHO budget changes.

Efforts to exclude Taiwan from China's WHA meetings began in 2017, while Taiwanese officials expressed their regret and anger at the WHO's failure to invite Taiwan to the meeting. Amid pressure from China to isolate Taiwan

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