12 Aug 2021 - 11:30:23
470 Posts

"Tourette's disease" is a disease in a group of diseases known as tics (Tic Disorder). Patients slot wallet will have two main categories of manifestation abnormalities: motor tics or vocal tics or phonic tics. Usually symptoms begin to show around the age of 6-7 years, or some people with severe symptoms may begin to have symptoms at a younger age.

cause of disease

The main determinant of Tourette's disease is abnormalities in the Basal ganglia. Some caudate neurons have been found to be overstimulated. and is associated with disorders of the neurotransmitter dopamine.

mainly caused by genetic factors Several genes have now been found to be associated with Tourette's disease. Including environmental factors that cause abnormalities during brain development. Maybe from the womb or infancy. It may cause symptoms as well.


There are two main symptoms of Tourette's disease: motor tics or vocal tics (phonic tics).

Patients usually begin with symptoms of motor tics first. Often it is a muscle spasm. that starts from the small muscles first, such as blinking frequently Or twitching the muscles in the face, etc. The patient can control their own muscle spasm to a certain extent in a short period of time. but will not be able to control all And they tend to have more symptoms after a long period of careful control. Patients often have certain symptoms or sensations prior to the spasm of the local muscles, for example:

- irritated eyes before having frequent blinking of the eyes

- Feeling aches, stiffness, or discomfort in the muscles of the face or neck There will be muscle spasms in that area. When the muscles in that position are twitched, they feel more comfortable or feel better.

When symptoms begin, they usually begin with abnormal movements of the small muscles first. But in the case of more symptoms There may be symptoms in which the muscles become larger, such as twisting, jumping, or imitating other people's jerky gestures.

16 Aug 2021 - 14:18:13
9 Posts
Read about this Tourette disease in detail through this blog. This disease is going to damage the children badly so they have to consult with a cheap essay writer to get rid of these issues immidiatly. One must read this blog in detail to have a complete understanding of it. And must follow these precautionary measures.

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